Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Social Networking Overload!

I've realized that I have far too many social networking sites. I was reading through my old e-mail accounts today [I also have far too many of those] and each one had several e-mails with account passwords, updates and friend requests. Here is a sample list that is quite accurate:

4 Livejournals
1 [has been deleted]
1 Deadjournal
1 Xanga
1 Blogspot
1 Hi5
1 MSN messenger
1 Yahoo messenger
INFINITE amounts of AIM screen names
1 [has been deleted]
1 Facebook
4 Photobuckets
1 Flickr
1 Youtube
1 Twitter

It's interesting to see how social networking progresses and advances as the years go on and on. Of course, I do not use all of these social networking sites anymore; this is just a random thought. It's crazy how we, as communicators, go through all of these mediums to connect with others city-wide, state-wide, nation-wide and world-wide. I find it hard to even imagine the "old days" of letters, postage stamps, horse-driven mail trucks...oh! It simply astonishes me!


  1. i don't understand why you need so many outlets of expression either, stick to one or two that work. geez
